Thames Valley Ayrshire Club

November 26, 2021

Thames Valley Ayrshire Club


After a few false starts we are going to have a Meeting and Farm walk at Roger and Diane Hancock’s on  the Tahuna-TeHoe Road, Rapid no is 2054.

Date is 1st Dec 2021 Time 11a.m.

Graeme Leech will give us a Board Report as Andrew Thomson will still be in lock down, also our Treasurer Jennifer Thomson, plus our members from the region unfortunately.


Questions: Do we have the Bull Progeny Competition?

Do we have a Club Trip?


For those who have not paid their subs yet, they are $20 per family.

The bank no for “ The Thames Valley Ayrshire Breeders Club” is 060369001197301.

We still haven’t heard who has the Mens Judging Shield. Please contact on 07 8267779.

Please bring own lunch, tea and coffee provided.

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