Thames Valley Ayrshire Club Meeting – 21 Feb
Club Meeting – Tuesday 21 February 2023
Time: 11:00am
Place: Oliver Milnes Property, 185 Muir Road, Karaka
Phone: 021 118 6048
Directions: Travel on State Highway 1, turn onto the Dury off ramp, then left onto the Waiuku Road, turn right onto Blackridge Road, then left onto Muir Road.
Directors Report
Nominations for special awards – Kiteroa Trophy, Bell Booth Achievers Award, Graeme Knight Memorial Trophy, Distinguished Members Award.
Robert McIntosh Show Encouragement award, any thoughts, bring them to meeting.
Remits closing 31 March
Club Trip
General Meeting
Club Trip?
Bull Progeny Results
Subs $20 per family, bank account for Thames Valley Ayrshire Breeders Club is 060 36900 1197 300
Please bring your own lunch. Coffee and Tea provided
P.S. For all of you that show, please make an effort to go to the Morrinsville Show, Roger Hutchings is judging and is coming a long way to do so. The show has a new format which will be interesting. See you all Tuesday.